
Sunday, February 03, 2008

tale some stern action against this aryandipika fan

ITS PATHETIC HOW U like TALIBANS FORCE PPL TO CHANGE THEIR VIEW AND like WHOM THEY like. BUT UR TALIBANISM WOTN WORK. IF I like SUMOE I DO, IF I AHTE I DO. ITS MY VIEW...THE SONER U UNSTAND IT THE BETER BABAsorry, i dotn force all to say like whom i who is psycho? you just have to FORCE ALL TO BE GHT CHAMCHA. and u cna call others chudail to psycho as u do in kyunki their fans have no sentiments. u need stern actions actually.yes but we don't say rakshanda or aksh sucks like u said..................we r atleast that well mannered 2 criticize evil characters not actors
and plz it'll be THE JOKE OF THE UNIVERSE IF U SAY THAT ANSH IS NOT A PSYCHO.........even their fans know how evil he is 2 have raped a woman.
but what can i say about blind fans like u who blame ght fans 4 their blind worship but in turn worship evils blindfoldedlystyle and dash????ewwwww like that dirty farhan akhter,chiiiiiiiiiiii,this kind of dirty favs r expecting from u aryandipika fanu r soooooo jeolouss chiiiiiiiiiiu r frustrated,dirty mouthstyle and dash woh bhi those ullus like farhan akhter and footu can hav ur so called bloody dirty favsi also hope mods also take action against u for always caling ansh and tanya psychos and hurting their fans non request to all modz here,plz tale some stern action against this aryandipika fan,she is out of her mind and talking crap like alwaysof course u r psychos..u think all ahve to just say ur ght is best..ght is best...WE HAVE OUR VIEWS...AND ITS DEMOCRACY. I SAY I HATE GHT AND THEIR FANS TOO FOR ATACKING EV ERYONE'S VIEW. TALIBANS. GHT IS PUBLIC PROPERTY ....NOT UR PROPERTY..I AM AVIEWER AND I WILL SAY I HATE THEM...AND U MUST EB TALBAN KINDS TO ATACK PPLA ND FORCE DOWN EVERUONE'S THROAT TO like THEM...

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