
Saturday, February 02, 2008

whtz going to happen to poor old tripti

thanks...i hope they have good times in chawl!!thx.i wonder what will happen next wow cant wait for more twists in kyunki, wonder whtz going to happen to poor old tripti!i like gutami acting so ganga cant keep them at her house?????? she owns a bloody damn big business, i am sure she can help them..... isnt it???/Y ganga cant take them at her place or any other relatives ...dont let me think that they have no1 xcept ppl in SNmaybe her houseisnt big enough but still ganga will help them outut ermm they wanna know how a real chawl is? i suggest them 2 visit asia's largest slum with hundreds of thousands of chwals in dharavi;)
they must have been in shock after living in mansions all their life. but i still luv baa! lolokie.. one thing i dun get is Ganga is rich and she is a business women and also has a big house, atleast enuf to fit all the Viraanis, so y didnt she take them in or did Tripti took over her businees and house too? Also,what about Nandini? didnt she have a house and business of her own too? where did all that disappear? God, the BT vreative team realli needs to look back at things and then write the story lines.. newaiz good article

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