
Wednesday, December 26, 2007

I can not say that I am a fan of Indian dramas

I can not say that I am a fan of Indian dramas, but I do not have a choice. When I lay down in bed my wife wins and usually has Kasam Se on. I have to say in the drama Mr Walia says he has no children left and so on. What about his kid with Pyia? What happened to her and her kid? This Bani has a 5 year old kid, but she talks like she is 10. Her other kids were about the same age were they not? She was with that other dancing with the star character for 5 years and then she came back. Her kids were 5 years old, how the hell can her latest child talk to differently than her other children. I dont understand. Are people in India really that dumb.......I just dont get it. Every night I go to sleep ****** off because of the unrealistic points of the story. Why cant you make dramas a little more realistic? So far these two ( Mr Walia and Bani) have been seperated for a total of ten years, but neither one of them has aged...well except for Mr walia......Tell that guy to stop eating. Any real person would move on after ten years of B.S. Tell me how come no one can ever hear this evil sister of his. It seems that she can scream her plans througout the house without anyone hearing it, but if a "good" character whispers something she is the first one to hear their plans. I am not trying to pick on your dramas in particular as all the other ones my wife watches are even more outrageous. Will there ever be a drama that is more realistic as American dramas are? I know you guys in India can see our American dramas so why cant you guys take a clue and step in to the 21st centrury?

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